Born into the nomadic life of a military family in California, I credit my childlike curiosity about the phenomena and processes of the natural world that drive my career as a landscape photographer to a childhood exploring rocky coastlines, playing under forest canopies, collecting rocks and sticks, swimming in lakes, and fishing in streams in which nature nurtured my budding environmental ethic.
When I grew up, degrees in landscape architecture from University of Oregon and geology from Portland State University provided the intellectual and creative foundations for my lifelong integration of creativity, science, nature, and culture that now I pursue daily.
Among my achievements as a photographer, I have been most proud of my association with land conservation organizations such as Sierra Club, Wilderness Society, and Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts, who have worked to set aside land for future generations, wildlife habitat, and healthy ecosystems by using my images of some of my most cherished and wild landscapes in their fundraising campaigns.
My most personal and imaginative images have shown in solo and group exhibitions in Colorado’s distinguished galleries and venues, such as Denver Performing Arts Complex and +Gallery/Cordell Taylor Gallery in Denver and Lincoln Center for the Arts in Ft. Collins.
Corporate collectors in Colorado include Lockheed Martin (Denver), Valley Bank and Trust (Brighton), and Exempla St. Joseph Hospital (Denver). Commercial clients such as the States of Colorado and Wyoming and Denver Post have used photos from a few of my favorite road trips to promote travel throughout the western United States, and a photo from Great Sand Dunes National Park has even graced an album cover by Colorado musician Janet Feder.
From my home in Boulder, Colorado, I still recall the travels of my youth fondly and frequently seek my local mountains, streams, and forests and destinations around the world to further explore the natural elements my curiosity discovers.